First Television Interview With Rainy Day Jordan, Playboy's Miss December
MERKEL, Texas -- In a follow up to a story KTXS first brought you, we sat down with 20-year-old Rainy Day Jordan about the whirlwind of attention since she was chosen as the first playmate from the Big Country.
Jordan talked to KTXS Wednesday about being personally selected as playmate by Playboy's founder Hugh Hefner and answered the question on everyone's mind, is that her real name?
"My mom's Windi, my aunt's Dusti, I have a great aunt Sandi and on the other side there's a Stormy," said Rainy Day Jordan, and that's her real name.
Playboy's Miss December said she's dreamed of being in the magazine since the fifth grade which is why she went to an open Playboy casting call in Dallas.
"Then after that I went to L.A., Hef approved me for playmate," said Jordan.
In her pictorial for the magazine, Jordan is shown at home in Merkel and said she was excited to show the crew of photographers around her home town.
"They came out here, got to meet my family," Jordan said. "They could not wait to eat the BBQ here."
In a story KTXS brought you Tuesday we got reaction around the close-knit town.
Some voiced their disapproval of Jordan being in the controversial magazine, but their comments don't seem to bother this bunny.
"Everybody has their own opinions," Jordan said. "This was my dream and something I wanted to do, some people want to be doctors, lawyers...this was my dream."
Jordan said the people closest to her understand.
"Everyone in my family is very proud of me," Jordan said, "And they're just along for this ride."
Jordan said she wants to be playmate of the year next. You can vote for her here: Playmate of the Year
She also told us as Miss December she's in good company, the very first Miss December back in 1953 was Marilyn Monroe.
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